Across The Street, Across The Country
Across the Street, Across the Country, is a newsmagazine show about DKI Canada issues and its members - and not just what they do on the job, but who they are when they're not on the job!
Across The Street, Across The Country
“Season 3, Episode 22 – DeFoa Reviews Disaster Recovery Manager College Course
It’s one thing to hear a college administrator extol the virtues of a new course for those looking to enter the restoration industry, or upgrade their existing industry skills. And we did in Episode 6 this season, via John McNeil of Humber College, as well as DKI’s VP of Business Development Adam Tzarik – the latter, along with David Goetz, DKI VP Essential Services, played no small role in helping develop the innovative course.
But...what would an actual student, who completed the 14-week course, say? Josh DeFoa provides us with a first-hand, student-perspective review.
Your Team is a new feature that introduces you to the some of the DKI head office people who make DKI the champion of the industry. We meet members of Team RED.
And Neil Thomas provides us with a tip for homeowners bracing themselves for – brrrr – the winter season.
Music for this episode is Coming Up by Close Kicks and Medicine by Cassie Noble