Across The Street, Across The Country
Across the Street, Across the Country, is a newsmagazine show about DKI Canada issues and its members - and not just what they do on the job, but who they are when they're not on the job!
Across The Street, Across The Country
“Season 3, Episode 18 – The Chief”
October is Fire Prevention Month and we’re honouring the job that is so much more than simply holding hoses, climbing ladders and entering burning buildings.
We sit down for a candid, wide-ranging conversation with Bryan Burbidge, Fire Chief for the City of Richmond Hill, Ontario. The 35-year veteran of fire service tells us how the job of fire fighting – and those who do it – have evolved over the years. One constant, though: it’s always been a career fraught with the prospect of trauma and hardship, which the chief discusses with open honesty. But also, he offers hope and promise! (The chief shares some great take-away tips on fire prevention, too!).
Kate Battler is one of DKI Canada’s new and welcome recruits. How did the Director of Performance and Compliance get here? She tells how in the return of our feature, “How I came to DKI.”
And we’ve got another tip for you, courtesy of John Soto of DKI - Pro Pacific.
Them music for this episode is "Ghost Stories" by Looking For Heather and "Brave" by Cassie Noble.