Across The Street, Across The Country
Across the Street, Across the Country, is a newsmagazine show about DKI Canada issues and its members - and not just what they do on the job, but who they are when they're not on the job!
Across The Street, Across The Country
”Season 3, Episode 7 - Could big 3D printers solve big housing problems?”
Think of it as a jumbo-sized Play-Doh dispenser. But instead of child’s clay, it squirts out a specially-formulated concrete-like material. And instead of it being used to create a dinosaur or a volcano on the kitchen table, it’s used to build houses on lots – faster, less costly and better able to withstand natural disasters than conventional construction, say its practioners.
Three entrepreneurs are betting their backhoe-sized 3D printer - and the unique construction method it’s designed for – is poised to change the way we build homes and, in turn, help solve a housing crisis.
We meet Dwight Corcoran – and his 3D printing robot – at his Cormor office in Central Ontario.
Music for this episode is “Coming Up” and “You Made it Home” by Close Kicks.